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Topic: share screen (Read 4747 times) previous topic - next topic

share screen

when one goes to share screen the first time by clicking on Share window it works,  or share game its visible
but when i close it and log back into don't share the game or share the window...but what i did Notice is when
u make a new project ... the share screen window or game now i close out the program come back..don't work

this is on your newest version of splitcam

hope this helps u out to fix this bug
thank u


Re: share screen

Reply #1
Hi. Thanks for reporting this issue. The problem is currently under investigation.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: share screen

Reply #2
Hi. We found the source of this problem and have fixed it. The fix will be available with the next public release of SplitCam starting with version 10.6.55.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: share screen

Reply #3
Hi. We found the source of this problem and have fixed it. The fix will be available with the next public release of SplitCam starting with version 10.6.55.
again this problem u fixed the problem here...would be nice to use share screen the right way...that program that lets go live and share your feed works great but i like when yours works its alot smaller software has what i want

Re: share screen

Reply #4
ok ...this one didn't turn out good
Share screen works good
but share window gives me a blank screen black screen
so i tried to use share game
it works but heres the thing
shows have the picture
i have to take the program its sharing and size it... all images have to be sized by clicking on fit to screen
very annoying ima send image to show u how small i have to make my image in order to fit...before it just showed the whole screen
every image i post on cam has to be fit screen