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SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: My video quality problem
Last post by Anatoly Smelkov -
Please download and install the latest prerelease update of SplitCam v10.7.31. It has better video recording quality albeit at the price of higher processor load. This version also has some known bug fixes and new features, including the new Spot Light video filter found in Artistic category of filters.
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / My video quality problem
Last post by TrevorRivera -
While conducting video recording tests, I noticed that both the image and audio quality were extremely poor. Despite the file indicating a resolution of 1920x1080 at 60fps, the bit rate was only around 2000. Strangely, the YouTube test stream produced excellent results. I came across a similar issue on the forum, which was resolved in a later version. I'm curious if anyone else is experiencing this problem. It's worth noting that I'm using Windows 11 and the latest version of Splitcam.
Last post by Dream Master -
for some reason you aplication soundcapture is geting sounds great for a while the longer u have it running some is 
causing it to sound gravelly like the audio is perfect and then later on the day its destorted...ill keep on trying it out, but something is wrong with the i fix it i have to close your program and re-open it  im using the 10.7.20 x64 version... so spotify or youtube sounds great but then 10-20mins later it starts geting robotic..  hope you can fix this cause this option is being used by many of our djs...who have to reset splitcam everytime before they on mic...just to use the sound card virtualy...

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: sound of application is very loud on Default

I can't confirm it. in my opinion, the volume is quite normal. in general, when we take the sound from the microphone, we do not set our own volume, but take the one that is there, and then already in the program the user can increase or decrease the volume with sliders in the interface. if your microphone is too loud, it most likely means that it is set too loud in your system.
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / sound of application is very loud on Default
Last post by Dream Master -
ok so im using Splitcam V. 10.7.20 x 64 -  what i have experienced when you add and application the volume level is is to high that it destorts my microphone can u set the default to safe peope aren't destorted when we use your software..i have so many people using your software they love it but thats one of the issues we having the mic is too loud on default and the application is set to loud that it has mega destortion with the bass of the songs we play
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: Errror: Failed to initialize SplitCam virtual driver "SplitCam Video Driver"
Last post by Me Again Me -
Hi again,

After our conversation in Skype, I got more info on my error. SplitCam Virtual Video Driver in Device Manager reports an initialization error immediately after a fresh installation of SplitCam. The error is shown in the driver's Properties->Events tab.

The most relevant message "Device is not started (splitcam_hd_driver)" contains the following details:

Device ROOT\MEDIA\0000 had a problem starting.
Driver Name: oem37.inf
Class Guid: {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Service: splitcam_hd_driver
Lower Filters:
Upper Filters:
Problem: 0x0
Problem Status: 0xC00000E5

I hope that it may shed light on the problem, thank you in advance!
Last post by Mario -
Hello !

I hope I get help here about a bug that is related to SplitCam 10.7.24 x64 on a Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (22631.3007).

SplitCam works well with the integrated webcam and an IP Camera (Foscam R2M).

However, an error (ordinal number 5 - see picture in German) appears after MS Teams is opened in Autostart.

If I uninstall SplitCam, this error no longer appears.
Solutions like sfc /scannow did not help.

Error Message