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SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / [ERROR] Not a complete installation
Last post by Никита Ли -

I encountered a problem while installing SplitCam. How can I resolve this error?

Attached is an image of the error message I received:

photo error:

The message reads:

There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

Thank you for your assistance!
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / splitcam is due for and update u say in a few days july 4th
Last post by Dream Master -
im hoping  that this program is fixed lots erras  been messing with my caming experience and hope this new update will fix them erras  but i keep comin here hoping 10.8  is launched... and when we say canvas size don't that mean 640x 480 should be the size of the canvas not the size of the picture...usually its the size of the screen