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SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: I cant login twitch

Twitch has updated its API, and it now works only with the latest versions of browsers. At the moment, we are updating our browser version to the newest one, and as soon as the update is complete, we will release a new version that will allow you to log in to Twitch again. Thank you for your understanding, and please bear with us for a few more days.

Last post by Pete B (Gerboa) -
It would be great if a scene could be set to "chain" another scene after a set time or after a video has played.

I've set up two scenes that are almost identical but one has a different background video; I'm switching between Scene 1 & Scene 2 manually and then back to Scene 1 again after the video has played but an automatic switch would be amazing!
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: splitcam profile/ network configuration
Last post by ג'רמי ליונס -

Thank you for your reply,

As i continue to integrate and test you excellent program, I have a couple more questions

Is there an option to save the project on the system (not per user) where it will be used by all users, how can this be done? if not please this option. This will allow me to configure it once per computer instead of copying the config on logon.

the splitcam appdata is 20 mg in size which is rather large, what is the minimum files/ folders which i would need to copy to each user?

after installation on some computers i am receiving an error we could not create the directory, this is even after i have configured a project and it is saved and loaded properly, what is the solution to this problem. i would like to mention this is even when logged on to to a domain admin user.

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Remove Background not working
Last post by yves -
On my Mac with 15.0.1 ans SplitCam Version 1.16(189) if i use on my Cam Remove Background there is a Black Background, bevore migrating to the newest OS SplitCam works normally. If there a Issue with the Version or is there a Fix ?
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: splitcam profile/ network configuration
Last post by Anatoly Smelkov -
Program settings are stored locally on each computer where SplitCam is installed. The project file can be be shared theoretically. The path to the currently loaded project file is shown in the SpliCam’s title bar. To save the project file to another location use the “Save as…” command from the main menu. To open the project file on another computer use “Open” command in the main menu.