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Topic: Switch of camera when minimize SplitCam (Read 13397 times) previous topic - next topic

Switch of camera when minimize SplitCam

I've posted this problem in the technical forum, but maybe I better should have posted this in the feature requests.

So, this is my question:

When I use SplitCam as a virtual webcam driver for e.g. MS-Teams, the webcam should turn of when I minimize SplitCam. Only when a video call in MS-Teams is active through the virtual webcam driver, the webcam should be turned on by SplitCam and when the video call is ended in MS-Teams, the webcam should be turned off by SplitCam.
This is the same behaviour you can find at e.g. ManyCam and is superb when using a virtual webcam driver.
Currently, when SplitCam is minimized, a meaningless popup comes up that must be closed everytime.  And the webcam is staying active until I physically closes SplitCam.

Please, can you implement this behaviour in a next version?

Re: Switch of camera when minimize SplitCam

Reply #1
Hello JDN
Can you contact to us by skype : jack-px
I need more information from you.

Thank You