New Release! SplitCam 6 is now available!
Minimal SplitCam requirements
1. Microsoft Windows XP (and later)
2. CPU: Intel Dual Core (or equivalent)
3. 2 GB RAM
Recommended SplitCam requirements
1. Microsoft Windows 7/Windows 8/8.1/Vista/XP
2. CPU: Intel Core i5 (or equivalent) and faster
3. 2 GB RAM and high
4. Internet connection of at 1000 kbs and faster
5. Web camera
New features
- Modified ways of Video capture
- Broadcast mode
- Video quality in Options
- YouTube uploading till 2 GB
- Security feature: Move Detect
- Updated local Help
- New version of FFDSHOW codec (June, 2013)
- Refreshed IP camera lists
Fixed bugs:
- Error: CDirectShow – Problem on line 2651
- Custom effect error in MS Windows Vista/7/8/8.1
- Did not work YouTube uploading
- Skype did not see SplitCam filter
- No fonts (#Empty) after auto start with Windows
- Did not install SplitCam Video Driver to Windows 8.1
- Did not work the button Start in IP Camera
- SplitCam Video Driver did not capture video 1280×720
Short description of new features
1. Video capture
You can capture your video using one of two methods:
– SplitCam Video Filter (video capture by SplitCam filter in user mode )
– SplitCam Video Driver (video capture by SplitCam driver in kernel mode )
For another features see local Help
Don’t hesitate, download and try new version free right now! Download here https://splitcam.com/download