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Topic: Error encounted during ingest servers update process (Read 4295 times) previous topic - next topic

Error encounted during ingest servers update process

I always have this annoying message during start up the SplitCam. "Error encounted during ingest servers update process" How can I get rid of this pop up message? Version 10.7.24.
Thank you

Re: Error encounted during ingest servers update process

Reply #2
I got this error also with new version (10.7.38).

Re: Error encounted during ingest servers update process

Reply #3
Can you upload screenshots of your error?

Or contact to us by telegram @splitcam or skype: jack-px

Thank you.

Re: Error encounted during ingest servers update process

Reply #4
I can not insert error message because it says "The post data is missing. This error could be caused by trying to submit a file larger than allowed by the server. Please contact your administrator if this problem continues."

My image is only 18KB