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Topic: frozen image a few minutes after starting (Read 9314 times) previous topic - next topic

frozen image a few minutes after starting

I have been using this program for two years for my transmissions and for about 2 weeks I have not been able to use it because a few minutes after starting the transmission my image freezes, I tried another camera to see if it was the problem and it kept freezing, uninstall it and install the program again and it continues to freeze, install another transmission program and it works for me but with splitcam it doesn't work for me. How can this problem be fixed I really like this program for my transmissions

Re: frozen image a few minutes after starting

Reply #1
what version of SplitCam are you running?
try to install the latest version from (10.5.92)
if the problem persists please share your SplitCam log file.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: frozen image a few minutes after starting

Reply #2
Same problem happens to me. I can use SplitCam for hours just fine, then the cam freezes and the only way I have to un-freeze it is to close and restart SplitCam. From then on, usually, it keeps freezing every few minutes, making it unusable.

Version I am using is 10.6.54 x64, therefore the latest so far.

Any idea what I could do to solve the issue? I use it for teaching online classes.