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You install and uninstall virtual camera driver into splitcam , in settings .

and after you remove splitcam from your mac

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: 640x480 canvas

Just tell to us more information and we can do it for you , can you send link where i can check it ?

If you have telegram please contact me @splitcam
ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Splitcam video driver not working with Streamate

It's because you enabled zoom

Please choose Layer in splitcam  and hold CTRL + mouse scroll

   I normally use Splitcam video driver with Streamate, but now whenever I go to stream my full Splitcam screen doesn't show up on Streamate, it shows as slightly zoomed and to the right. I know it's a Splitcam issue and not a Streamate issue because if I switch to OBS virtual camera it shows as normal. I haven't changed my settings, they are still at 1920 x 1080p. Is there a way to fix this?
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: Lovesense issue
Lovense had some changes recently and we also had to update the version as soon it might not be possible to use the Lovense version under 3.00. I am using the latest version of Splitcam and the addon available from your website with the update that comes once you download it but i am getting the following error when online only on StripChat. Everything looks connected the toys are shown in the menu everything looks alright but at random intervals the toy menu disappears from availability for members but i don't see any notice of that happening. The only way i can activate the menu back is to remove it from Lovense connect the toys and redo the connection.

Hello what version of splitcam do you use?

Can you contact us by telegram : @splitcam ?
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: Very High usage of the GPU
The skin smoother and other effects work on GPU , if do you use them that can slow youк pc if you dont have GPU or your GPU no so powerful.

The hold shift with start splitcam software reset all setting to default .

Thank you for replying.
I will try.
But what exactly does this operation do?
My laptop is not the fastest in the world, but a good compromise, being a 12th Intel generation.
I like the software, but if it continues like this I will be forced to switch to other competitors... I have already tried other softwares and they don't have the same problem.