Release SplitCam v 10.3.85 (06/12/2020)
- Added About… dialog containing program development history and most important support links.
- Added Exit command to hamburger menu.
- Prevent Windows from entering Sleep mode when SplitCam is running.
- Additional software encoder optimization aimed at more stable CBR streaming mode.
- Updated IP-campera capture source for more stable work. No new formats support added.
- Scene buttons preview thumbnail updated to give more stability and to work more reliably.
- Skin smoother issues fixed
- Fixed the lag when restarting video file playback after switching scenes or resuming a paused video file.
- Fixed scene switching bug: two scenes drawing to canvas at the same time.
- Fixed black full screen capture output when swtching between scenes when all the scenes contain full screen capture source.
- Fixed spontaneous program crashes hapenning at random when system state changed.
- Fixed crashes when deleting IP-camera layer from scene.
- Fixed SplitCam crashe when a problem is encountered in a running Web page source.
- Fixed displaying of RAM usage over 4 GiB. Minor cosmetic changes in video file source.