Release SplitCam v 10.3.66 (05/16/2020)
This version includes SplitCam virtual device drivers updates! We cannot guarantee complete removal of previous device driver files which can be used by Windows operating system. Thus it is highly recommended to do a clean install:
- Uninstall previous version of SplitCam;
- Reboot your computer;
- Install this version.
- New virtual microphone device driver.
- Removed virtual output device driver as it is no longer needed.
- Added check for prooperly installed virtual microphone device. User sees a warning message if the driver for the virtual microphne cannot be loaded. In case of driver error the program can continue to run but the micriphone will not be available.
- Video effects added and can be applied to each scene independently.
- Added 3D Lookup Table video effect support: CUBE format.
- Added 3D Lookup Table video effect support: PNG format.
- Program title now shows currently opened project file path.
- Added Alt-F4 handler which correctly closes the application.
- Added Gamma effect to canvas.
- Program settings dialog added with General Settings, Snapshot settings and Video recorder settings. More options are to be added in future versions.
- User can now change canvas size and FPS in program settings.
- Layers can now be selected by directly mouse-clicking them on the scene.
- Added hilite to the name of selected scene.
- Updated handling of project (un)loading: project dirty flag added, autosave code changed, changed logic of saving projects under different file name: project saved by Save as… command becomes current project, if autosave option is disabled then user is queried to save the dirty project on exit or on switching projects.
- Setup updated to address the issues when running installer while the program is running.
- Updated monitor source saver with a parameter for saving multiple monitor sources.
- Optimizations to video encoders during streaming. Processor load noticeably reduced.
- Disabled starting streamer when there are no active streams.
- Paused source state is now saved when switching scenes.
- CamPlace web site stream url updated.
- Video encoder updated with additional parameters to address possible audio/video sync problems.
- Project saving code updated to reduce file size and omit certain defaults. Additional checks added to catch and treat errors while loading projects from files.
- Fixed loading local files in Web Browser Source layers.
- Fixed distorted sound from mike when mike is used in multiple scenes.
- Fixed addressing non existing active scene object in CIpCameraSource.
- Fixed errors related to closing first canvas.
- Fixed bugs with full screen source.
- Fixed crash when streaming on NVIDIA in x64 release version.
- Reset zero effect parameter value to its default when loading project from file.
- Fixed errors when working with full screen source on different scenes.
- Fixed errors with window grabbing in window source layers.