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Topic: Scroll media layers (Read 16486 times) previous topic - next topic

Scroll media layers

I would like to set up a number of images ready to use in my media layers (about 30 or 40) so that I can enable/disable them when I am ready.  However, I find that once I add more than about 12 media layers, the bottom ones do not fit in the window, and I cannot scroll to select them.  Can a scrollbar be added?



Re: Scroll media layers

Reply #1
Same here, i've some images (4) and some movies (3) and 2 audio inputs. In the current version, movies add a audio mixer (which is a good thing).
Now the Audio mixer overlaps the media layers, so I can only control the top 4 layers.
If the media layers would be scrollable, I can control the others.
It would be nice if the audio mixers can be collapsed down/scrolled/popped out (in a separate window).

Thanks Marc


Re: Scroll media layers

Reply #2
Ignore the part of scrollable medialayers, my post was about 10.4.96. Just noticed 10.5.12 which has scrollable layers

The request about the audio mixers is still valid (especially since I've muted the video streams)
Scratch this, just found out that if the mainwindow is resized smaller, the mixers become scrollable. [thumbs]

Keep up the good work

Thanks Marc