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Topic: Uninstall (Read 14208 times) previous topic - next topic


Hi, I'm on Sonoma 14,5
How in the fresh hell do I uninstall splitcam completely?
The drivers are locked out in such a way that it's even revoking sudo su perms to delete the files
Sorry but this is absolutely insane
Can someone help me please?

Re: Uninstall

Reply #1

You install and uninstall virtual camera driver into splitcam , in settings .

and after you remove splitcam from your mac

Re: Uninstall

Reply #2

Nothing I have tried that sounds remotely like this works.

Can you please give me a step by step guide?

It's unbelievable how hard it is to remove this application.

I need it gone.

Thank you.


Re: Uninstall

Reply #3
Nevermind - I've sorted it out and I've documented it

Instructions to remove Splitcam

- Open Splitcam
- Open Settings
- Navigate to "Virtual Camera"
- Click Uninstall Virtual Camera
- Click Uninstall Virtual Microphone
- Close
- Uninstall with an application such as AppCleaner or do a complete removal of all residual files manually