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Topic: Audio delayed on Mac mini M1 (Read 3009 times) previous topic - next topic

Audio delayed on Mac mini M1

Hi all. I have mac mini M1 with 16 GB of RAM and Sonoma 14.3.1. I'm using SplitCam 1.14 (I think that's the latest version as of now).
I'm trying to add a remote camera to use it in the meeting. I add the remote mobile camera that uses website. I then use the SplitCam camera in Google Meet meeting.

It works nearly perfect. SplitCam properly captures the video and the audio from the camera and shows it well. Google Meet uses the camera and the audio properly from Split Cam. However, the audio in Google Meet is delayed by like 2 seconds. Same in other platforms like MS Teams.

It seems to me that SplitCam outputs video and audio out of sync. When I say something, I can see the audio bar properly synced with video in SplitCam itself, so I believe the output is wrong.

Can you help fixing that?