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Topic: Is there any a way to restart application with cmdline? (Read 4293 times) previous topic - next topic

Is there any a way to restart application with cmdline?

Hi Splitcam Community,

While splitcam working with my rtsp stream frozen sometimes, when i click the application it gives this screen; (SplitCam exception, Splitcam is already running.)

I do not want to close application and open again, is there any way to restart splitcam application whitout giving above exception using with command line switches? For example;

"C:\Program Files\SplitCam\10\splitcam.exe" /restart

Thank you in advice,


Re: Is there any a way to restart application with cmdline?

Reply #1
You could use taskkill to stop the running splitcam Instance:

Code: [Select]
taskkill /IM splitcam.exe