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Topic: 1080x1920 vertical resolution (Read 16834 times) previous topic - next topic

1080x1920 vertical resolution

All latest viewing is gone vertical.
We need some vertical formats too!

Re: 1080x1920 vertical resolution

Reply #1
Sorry for delay. You can hold CTRL and with mouse fit your layer how you want.
Let me know if its help you !?

Re: 1080x1920 vertical resolution

Reply #2
Reply #1 – January 22, 2021, 10:51:02 AM
Sorry for delay. You can hold CTRL and with mouse fit your layer how you want.
Let me know if its help you !?

Yes but of you do so you would still have adjust the layer in certain situations and overstretch it in splitcam just to get it aligned correctly in an "duet video" on tiktok app situatiuon. Because when you duet a video in tiktok the app takes your phones resolution. and fits it in an 1080x1920 content template, where it will be dual sided with the content video you are duetting on.

So having the possibility of setting a fixed 1080x1920 (vertical resolution in anyway) would be AN AWESOME and needed feature.

Thank you so much for your work and this awesome free tool!

Re: 1080x1920 vertical resolution

Reply #3
I agree this is a needed feature as this fixed canva aspect ratio is misinterpreted by other tools like