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Messages - Benjman

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: 10.5.62 Video Freezing
I just tested with version 10.5.62 x64. Pausing works, however the video still freezes up intermittently. Version 10.5.28 does not have this issue.

I created a new, blank project and the issue persists.
What information can I provide to assist getting this resolved?

Edit: If you add an image or text layer, it will freeze much faster than if you just have a web camera source.
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: 10.5.35 Pause no longer working / Video Freezing

Do you have the old version available for download? I cleaned up my computer and got rid of it:(

I haven't been able to rectify these issues with different cameras, cables, 10.5.38 update, rebooting, etc. so I would like to revert back to the version that was working for me.

Thank you

Edit: I found version 10.5.28, which works perfectly without either issue.