
Justin.tv game streaming with SplitCam – Video Guide

Do you like to play games and want to share it with your friends to internet on Justin.tv? SplitCam gives you such opportunity. Use SplitCam and Justin.tv online service to do it!

Now Justin.tv game streaming with SplitCam step-by-step instructions:

– Open SplitCam and go to “Sources” tab (click “Sources” button at the bottom of the SplitCam window) choose “Desktop” as a source of your video. There are 3 opportunities of “Desktop” mode. First is “Full screen” to show whole your desktop. Next is “Partial” or “Following by mouse”, that means that SplitCam will show only that part of desktop that will be targeted by your mouse. And the last is “Selected screen” that means you will send only part of desktop selected by special frame. We will use full screen mode for broadcasting whole desktop.

– Now start pip-mode. Check pip box on the under main video area in SplitCam how it’s shown on video, and go to “Sources” menu again. In the “Webcam” list select your webcam. Now in main window we have 2 pictures – one big with your desktop and small with your webcam video – pip mode. Small window can be changed in size and position.

– Next step is to adjust settings on Justin.tv. Start your browser and go to Justin.tv website, enter your account. In right top corner you see “Go Live” button. Click it.

New window appears with small settings-window, click “Allow” green button. On the screen, in right bottom corner will be settings button, click it to see settings. In new window, choose “Setup Video” and in the list select “SplitCam Video Capture”, then close it. Click the same button with preferences again, and choose “Setup Audio”. In this list select “SplitCam Audio Device” as microphone. Settings are ready.

– Now you have to adjust audio settings in SplitCam. Restore SplitCam window and go to “Audio” tab as show in video. Don’t forget before this to change pip-mode settings to main-window, as it’s shown in the video. In “Audio” tab you see 3 fields. First choose “Audio Channel” box. This box is for transmitting sound from your game for other people to hear it. Next choose “Audio input device” box. Here in the list select your microphone. This option is for transmitting sound from your mic. Friends will hear now both sounds from the game and your comments to microphone.

– Now start your game in “Window” mode, for this go to game settings or read how to this in internet – for different games it’s different. Usually you can do it, just pressing “Tab” button on your keyboard during the game.

-When game is in “Window” mode, go to SplitCam “Sources”. We have as a source our desktop in the full screen regime. Change it to “Selected Screen” and adjust transparent frame that appeared just to the size of game window. Now SplitCam will transfer only game image, and no other part of desktop.

– Restore browser window to see how Justin.tv game streaming works. Now you can stream game on Justin.tv.

-Play game, show your skills, now whole internet can see you! Good luck!