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Topic: Drag and Drop Video/Image Files (Read 10275 times) previous topic - next topic

Drag and Drop Video/Image Files


On thing I liked from the previous versions was the ability to drag and drop videos from windows explorer or Google Picasa in the video source bucket.  Will that functionality be coming back?
Also, wondering if the video progress bar would be coming back as well?
Thanks for the hard work,

Re: Drag and Drop Video/Image Files

Reply #1
Hello rhme
We added drag and drop by your request :-)

You can download new version 9.0.6  from here

P.S. In next version we will back the video progress bar too.

Thank You

Re: Drag and Drop Video/Image Files

Reply #2
Awesome!  Works as designed.  Thank you!

Re: Drag and Drop Video/Image Files

Reply #3
Does not seem to work anymore in the latest versions v10  :(