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Topic: rotate images... (Read 11139 times) previous topic - next topic

rotate images...

On this v. 10.6.54   theres this circle in the middle of any media that has it suppose to rotate the image?
cause it does nothing when i spin it ...just sits there...says on screen we can rotate our images...
am i doing something wrong do have to press anything when i try to rotate...i press alt, ctrl, shift  nothing happens

Re: rotate images...

Reply #1
Hi. Thank you for reporting the issue. This layer rotation problem has already been fixed and the fix will be available with the next public release of SplitCam in versions 10.6.55 and above.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: rotate images...

Reply #2
Thats awesome ...glad  can't wait

Re: rotate images...

Reply #3
Hi. Thank you for reporting the issue. This layer rotation problem has already been fixed and the fix will be available with the next public release of SplitCam in versions 10.6.55 and above.

When will this updated version be released? The rotate problem still exists.

Re: rotate images...

Reply #4
that is a good question when i detected this in march...where in june we have a dead line
meanwhile i continue to use your software but it crashes over and and over and over, i find ways to finding a loop hole to get the image to show when i share the app..but would be kewl if the update u speak of would be availbe before christmas lol

Re: rotate images...

Reply #5
The new public release of SplitCam v 10.7.7 is available at the main download page. It has the problem fixed.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: rotate images...

Reply #6
Rotation is working great....just tested that out my cam can spin lol
omg im dizzy lol