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Topic: Unattended / Automated SplitCam MSI Deployment (Read 20524 times) previous topic - next topic

Unattended / Automated SplitCam MSI Deployment

Currently SplitCam v10.6.36 is provided as MSI file, which is fine because it can be used to run an unattended / automated Deployment.

BUT: Following minor Problems are existent

1. There is a CustomAction which starts SplitCam.exe after the Installation finishes. This is not a good idea when splitcam.msi is deployed using automated deployment Services. So please remove this CustomAction which triggers the automated /run="[TARGETDIR]splitcam.exe" /user="[LogonUser]" or at least provide a public MSI-Commandline-Property to disable this behavior by adding for example RUNAFTERINSTALL=NO or something like this.

2. When using automated Deployment it is unwanted that the software itself checks for Updates. Please provide the Configuration/Possibility to disable this automated Update Check. For example with a Registry-Key like HKLM\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\DisableUpdateCheck = 1

3. In an environment without Internet-Connectivity the "About" Dialog which tries to pull the changelog from the SplitCam servers is a mess showing errors. There is an "appver" check on Start of Splitcam which checks HKCU\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\appver ... if this Version number is not set or not equal the current Version installed it shows this about Dialog with the changelog on at least first Splitcam start. So currently in automated deployment we have to scripted set HKCU\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\appver to the right Version-Number to avoid SplitCam showing this dialog on first run. Please Provide a Setting to disable this behavior, for example a Registry-Key like HKLM\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\DisableAboutDialogOnFirstRun = 1

Re: Unattended / Automated SplitCam MSI Deployment

Reply #1
Thank you for your interest in SplitCam and especially for your suggestions! We will implement all of them in the next program update.
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: Unattended / Automated SplitCam MSI Deployment

Reply #2
Please download the latest version of SplitCam v.10.6.38. It has all the features that you've requested:

1. The program will not start after installation if RUN=0 parameter is specified on command line or if /quiet, or any other UI mode is specified (except for /qf, which stands for full UI mode).

2. The program will not automatically check for updates if 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\DisableUpdateCheck' DWORD value exists and is not equal to 0.

3. The program will not display About dialog on version change if 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\SplitCam\DisableAutoAboutDialog' DWORD value exists and is not equal to 0.

Happy streaming!
SplitCam development and support team.

Re: Unattended / Automated SplitCam MSI Deployment

Reply #3
Oh thank you so much @Anatoly Smelkov

Didn't expect I get this wishes come true so fast as Christmas present :-)

Will check it out tomorrow at the office.