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Topic: Splitcam driver not listed as video source for Zoom (Read 13962 times) previous topic - next topic

Splitcam driver not listed as video source for Zoom

I have Splitcam installed and added my IP camera. I can see the image from the camera in the SplitCam viewer window but it does not show up as an option in Zoom. I'm running Zoom version Version: 5.7.6 (1320) and Mac BigSur version 11.6 (20G165). I just installed the latest version of SplitCam Version 1.0 (47). Any suggestions?


Re: Splitcam driver not listed as video source for Zoom

Reply #1

First of all you need to check is virtual cam installed or not. Go to the app's preferences and select Virtual Camera from the list.

If you see this screen, then you need install driver. Please click on Install Driver button.

If you see this screen, then you need to turn ON switch Enable stream to virtual camera

If you see this screen, then write us on [email protected] email and ask to connect you with a technical support in a messenger (Skype, Telegram or Viber).