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Messages - donjohn24

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: Crash after adding Web Browser Media Layer
Version 10.6.25

Please try this one :
 and tell me if its help you, please.
Thanks for the reply.
This version does solve the webbrowser problem, which is now OK ....BUT
My webcams no longer show their pictures - the blue lights flash on and off indicating they are working, but no pictures!
A brief message when trying to add the webcams was, 'No preview possible'
The cameras work OK in Zoom.
I looked at all settings but none had any effect.
SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Crash after adding Web Browser Media Layer
I have SplitCam running OK under Win 10 on a 64-bit system, and can switch OK between two scenes, both using Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000's.
However when I try to add another scene with a link to a website (e.g. for a Web Browser Media Layer, the website appears after a few seconds, but then the following message appears and SplitCam closes when I click Close Program
(same result with a non-secure site)
Am I doing something wrong?