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Topic: One one machine I am not prompted to save XML file on another I am (Read 3716 times) previous topic - next topic

One one machine I am not prompted to save XML file on another I am

First of all - GREAT program!!! - this has helped me set up a "connected classroom" situation for my school

Now my issue, when I try it at home with a few scenes and I switch between cameras etc, Then I close the program, it simply closes - great

When I try that on a school machine, I get prompted to save because "default.xml has changed"  I would like it so the teachers don't have that question come up after switching between cameras, etc

I realize this may be more of a windows question and fine if no one has ever encountered it but is there a way to not be prompted?

I am administrator on my home machine - on the school machine I have administrator privileges in an Active Director - could that be the issue?

Re: One one machine I am not prompted to save XML file on another I am

Reply #1

In splitcam settings you can enble : Autosave project file when scene changed.

If you enable it , you didnt receive save message in future.

Re: One one machine I am not prompted to save XML file on another I am

Reply #2
Thank you very much - problem solved