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Messages - Mr_imaginativ3

SPLITCAM TECH SUPPORT / Re: Video file stream - audio not work repost
I am having the same issue.

I read the last 3 or 4 post on this issue.

#1 I use the CTRL + mouse click on mic next to "Go Live" it works. But that does not help pipe the audio of the video down to the viewers
BTW I use Omegle.  I have a laptop next to me that I am using to stream to from my desktop (which is running splitcam)

#2 On my laptop, I can hear me talking in the desktop microphone but I can't hear the audio from the video.

#3 The vue level in the audio mixer is moving even if I can't hear the video on my desktop speaker

It is very strange that I couldn't find anyone else with similar issue with a solution.
